It’s Time to Jump! 3 Ways to Leap Into the Life of Your Dreams #MustSee


Are there things that you desire to do, but you let fear and doubt hold you back?

I know there were times when I let fear hold me back from moving forward. I had fear of the unknown, fear of what people would say, and of course, that fear of failure. I’ve realized over the years, after a life experience, that I must do what I am called to do without hesitation. I know it can be very scary, especially if you’re currently in a place of comfortability, but you cannot grow while being comfortable. Growth comes when you are pushed out of your comfort zone.

I’m in a place in which I refuse to live a life of mediocrity. This year, I have made a commitment to jump in the deep! Are you with me?  If you are, I want to share with three simple steps you must take to get out of your comfort zone to start living the life you desire. It’s time—you know you’ve waited long enough to move forward.


1. Trust Your Gut


 Trusting your gut gives you the ability to understand something, without everything adding up. Your intuition is there to guide you, and help you make the right decisions in life. I don’t care what trusting your gut looks like to you, but you must see the bigger picture. There are many times I have stepped out on faith, not knowing how the situation would play out, but I trust God will never steer me wrong. Be willing to trust the inner voice that says, “You can do it!” It’s better to try and fail, than to never try at all.


2. Level Up Your Inner Circle


Did you know that you can become a reflection of the closest people you hang around with? Make sure that you have individuals in your midst who have an open mindset and refuse to play small. You need individuals, who will not put their insecurities and fears on you. You need people who are willing to take risks with you, and believe in you. I keep women in my inner circle who can see the vision within me, and they are not be intimidated by the vision that I have. The people rolling with you can make a major difference in how far you can and will go.


3. Be Willing to Do the Work


Your deepest desire won’t happen overnight, and I can guarantee you that obstacles will get in the way. The beauty comes with staying committed and doing the work no matter what.

When I started going after my goals and desires, there were so many things that tried to block me. I refused to give up on my dreams, because I was committed to seeing them manifest. Faith without work is dead, and you must be willing to do the work in order to move forward in life. Everything that’s worth something will require some commitment on your part. Don’t worry about how long it takes, but stay committed to it no matter what.


You get my point by now, I’m sure: it’s time to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Whenever I get to a place in my life that I’m not being challenged, it’s time to reevaluate to elevate myself. You should always be looking for ways to grow, because being stagnate will not get you to where you want to be. Increasingly, people are realizing that life is too short to live average, so live life to the fullest. Don’t settle for what you think you can do, but trust what God put inside of you. Live the life you desire now. It’s time to take the leap!  





The article was written by The BOSS Network Influencer, Priscilla Q. Williams

Priscilla Q. Williams is a Registered Nurse, Global Nurse Educator, Speaker, Author and Certified Overflow Coach. She helps women see their brilliance and live the life they truly desire.  

Learn more about Priscilla Q. Williams by visiting her website at

Follow Priscilla on Twitter @p_williams1

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