4 Ways to Make 2017 Your Own Year of ‘Yes’ #MustSee

comfort zone

The new year is now upon us, as if it couldn’t get here fast enough. Excitement and hope are high about what this new time will bring. We start off strong with our new year resolutions, and once again, get serious about our goals. “This will be the year that I will experience breakthroughs,” we tell ourselves. However, before we know it, we’re halfway through the year, and nothing has changed. What happened? Where was that big change in our lives that we were waiting for?

That question in itself is the answer to your question; change didn’t happen, because we were waiting for it to happen. The truth of the matter is, change will never come if you wait for it. Change only comes when you make it happen. You must get out of your comfort zone, and do things that you have never done.  You must learn to say “yes” when your comfort zone is telling you “no” or to wait.

Below are four things that you must get used to saying “yes” to, in order to experience the change that you desire to see in your life:

1. Say ‘Yes’ to New Opportunities


The saying goes that opportunities only knocks once. The next time an opportunity presents itself, take it. Be honest with yourself about the pros and cons of saying yes to the opportunity. Is it this the right time? Will there ever be a “right” time? What would it cost you, if you said “no” to the opportunity?

2.  Say ‘Yes’ Despite Your Fears


Often, we allow our fears to determine what we say yes to. Take the time to analyze this fear. What are you afraid of? Is it the unknown? Is it failure? Is it success? Once you’ve identified the source of the fear, combat that feeling by focusing on the possible positive outcomes.

3. Say ‘Yes’ to Your Dreams


No one is going to say “yes” to your dreams, if you won’t. If there is something that has been placed on your heart to achieve, take the first step toward making it a reality. the only thing you’ll regret is never trying at all.

4. Say ‘Yes’ to YOURSELF!


You’ve spent so much of your life showing up for others. Now it’s time to show up for yourself.  Commit to the plans you have saying you were going to accomplish. Take care of your body. Take care of your mind. You limit the help that you can provide, when you don’t say “yes” to yourself and take care of yourself first.

Someone needs you to say “yes.” They’re waiting on you, and don’t even know it yet! Make 2017 the year that you decide to say “yes,” play full-out, and let your greatness shine!



This article was written by The BOSS Network Influencer, Alicia Bowens.

Alicia Bowens is a visionary expert, an IT specialist, sought after speaker, author, coach, business owner, and radio host. She specializes in helping teen and single mothers achieve their dreams via her coaching programs, books, and workshops.

Learn more about Alicia at  www.aliciabowens.com.

Follow her on Twitter: @alicia_bowens.

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